A little more help

Since more than one player told me it took them a litle to figure out how Wordrush works, I have decided to show the Help on first load of the game (if you have played at least once, you're not going to see it unless you click on the question mark icon in the top bar).

While I was at it, I also figured it was a good time to update the help, which included some outdated information (the actual maximum word length is at least 15 letters for all languages, and even more for some) and was missing a crucial page: what are "Replay Keys" and how do you use them?
The answers are "They're a way of sharing your results with other people and allowing them to replay your game - same settings, same initial layout, same random seed - to have a sort of async multiplayer" and "you copy/paste them", but I also made a video that can hopefully clear things up.


wordrush-web.zip Play in browser
Version 58 1 day ago

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