Additions and attempts

Three things were brought to my attention:

  1. the English language dictionary was unsatisfactory
  2. the timed modes are... unusual and most people prefer something closer to what the market offers
  3. the power consumption seems high

I fixed 1 by adding a bunch of new words - I can't honestly say how useful "gastropyloric" is but, well, now you can use it if you find it.

(I hope) I fixed 2 by the simple expedient of adding a new Daily mode - it's untimed (like Challenge) but should be relatively quick (unlike Challenge) and everybody gets the same grid and seed, and they change every day. Which is probably as close to the competition as I can get without getting sued for cloning.

As for 3... No, I don't think I fixed it. That is: the power consumption should hopefully be better now, but the real problem is that I have very little latitude when it comes to optimization: even limiting FPS to 10 resulted in a very minor CPU usage decrease, so it's unlikely I can halve the power consumption by tinkering with game logic. A dark mode *might* help, though, so I will investigate that.

By the way: I have increased the Challenge goal to 800 because 640 seems too easy for Italian; as it's not necessarily the same in other languages, I think I'll change it again so it's adjusted by language.

UPDATE: Yes, given that the IT wordlist has 2x words longer than 7 letters compared to EN (and ES and DE still have 1.5) I have decided to modulate the Challenge and Daily goals based on language, so EN is still at 640, IT is at 800 and the others are 720.

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Version 67 2 days ago

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